
Hi! This blog is for my professional portfolio of work and information. I am in graduate school to become an elementary special education teacher.

“If we want to grow as teachers — we must do something alien to academic culture: we must talk to each other about our inner lives — risky stuff in a profession that fears the personal and seeks safety in the technical, the distant, the abstract.”  ― Parker J. PalmerThe Courage to Teach: Exploring the Inner Landscape of a Teacher’s Life

Thank you for visiting and have a blessed day!

8 Responses to Welcome

  1. i like how all the backgrounds of the slides correspond to the animal that you are discussing.

  2. I learned so much about different kinds of animals that I did not know about! Great idea for a lesson. Love how we were all able to be involved!

  3. nataliemhawkins says:

    I like the transitions of your slides! I like all of the information you gave on the animals. I feel like there was a little too much information…I want the information but maybe spread out a little more…

    • anneshigley says:

      Can you move this comments under the lesson? Just click on Portfolio, then Assignments, then open the lesson… the categories listed at the top! Thanks! Your group did great, also! 🙂

  4. missdelgatti says:

    Kids love animals and its a wonderful way to keep their attention! Great questioning about the animals when going over the slides. Good teamwork between all people in the group 🙂

    • anneshigley says:

      Can you move this comment to the comments area under the pond animals lesson? Just click on Portfolio, then Assignments, then open the lesson. The categories are listed at the top! Thanks! Your group did great, also! 🙂

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